Resurgens Requiem: Creative Placemaking in Krog Street Tunnel
"Renowned for its colorful street art, murals, tags, and stickers, Krog Street Tunnel is legendary as a hub for visual artistic expression in Atlanta. For one afternoon, however, it took on a special new role. It became a gritty, yet vibrant backdrop, and its unique acoustics served as an accompanying instrument for a spectacular acapella musical showcase by the Spelman College Glee Club," Read more

Photo by Ivan Schustak

Creative Placemaking Strengthens the Cultural and Economic Backbone of Georgia
"Georgia’s creative economy received a springtime injection of insight in a potent three-day dose this past week at Woodruff Arts Center in Midtown Atlanta," Read more
Spelman Glee Club kicks off tour with Krog Tunnel performance
"The Spelman College Glee Club kicked off its 100th-year anniversary tour with a March 7 performance of “Resurgens Requiem: History, Heritage, Harmony” at the Krog Street Tunnel as part of the Creative Placemaking Communities and South Arts summit," Read more

Photo by Delaney Tarr